
I was never really an Art student per se, although I did complete a Digital Media course at an arts college.

High School art for me was more about learning the history and the works of the great artists (of which I’ve forgotten all now), rather than being trained in artistic skills like painting, photography or even drawing. And when the time did come for practical skills, I never really got the grasp of ‘feeling’ it. I was mostly doodling Simpsons characters and whatever that represented Manga/Anime. My painting skills were also non-existent, where they were made up of solids of colour and with no variation between shades.

I’ve been drawing ever since I could hold a pencil, but it’s always been on and off, with some intention of doing so to pass time. I think I even went on for 2-3 years without doing anything in a sketchbook. And it was only 2 years ago when I really understood the differences between pencil densities like HB, 2B, 4B etc lol

Anyhow, currently using 4B pencils at the moment. They rock.